The ADL, a propaganda tentacle bent on destroying traditional America, is attempting to resolve a cognitive dissonance. The dissonance? The organization is a mass spreader of critical race theory, the notion that our society is divided between oppressors and oppressed, along racial lines; however, the organization is also led by Jews, the demographic with the highest income and educational attainment per capita in the US, not to mention a massive over-representation in the Biden administration.

So on one end, crying about victimhood, but on the other hand, being the most privileged human beings in America. What to do? Claim victimhood status nonetheless. So now the ADL is advocating for a new government position, an antisemitism ambassador, or something. The entire woke apparatus of the DOJ does not suffice, the ADL needs its own designated person!

Very few things are more pathetic and grotesque than a craving for victimhood. But then again, the reptile-faced woke zealot Greenblatt is nothing but grotesque.

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